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Principal’s Letter, 11/18/2020

November 18, 2020


Dear Parents,

            This week we are observing “Discover Catholic Schools Week”.  In honor of this I wish to congratulate and thank our families, students and teachers for putting in such wonderful effort in keeping each other safe and healthy.  As we say in our mission we are here to educate one another for life.

            I remind you that we are in the midst of our food drive to assist those less fortunate than ourselves.  Non-perishable foods are needed by the local food pantry.  Our mission as a Catholic School calls us to feed the hungry and in some small way we are trying to do this.  I have asked every student to bring canned vegetables or fruit, peanut butter, pasta and pasta sauce, canned meats or fish. 

            As a thank you to the students, we will have a casual day on Friday.  For this casual day on Friday students should dress appropriately and warmly for the conditions at school.  While the heat is on, we continue to ventilate with open windows.  The students will also be treated to a movie on Friday in the gym where they will be seated on the floor.  This will be done with masks and appropriate distancing in cohort groups.

            We continue to remind you that masks are of the utmost importance to everyone’s health in our school.  Please be mindful of the choices you are making for your families outside of school time.

            In keeping with our call to service, we will also hold our annual toy collection for the Department of Children and Families. This will start on November 30th and end on December 11th.  Due to the COVID restrictions, the gifts will be packed in boxes and picked up by the DCF.  The usual wrapping will not take place.

            We are always aware that not everyone can do everything.  We simply ask that you do your best.

            We will close for Thanksgiving recess at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 24th and resume school on November 30th.  There will be NO afterschool care on November 24th.

            After Thanksgiving, all students will be required to wear St. Joseph School sweaters or sweatshirts and winter coats.  Please note as was previously mentioned, no other sweatshirts or sweaters will be acceptable.  Thank you for your cooperation in the matter.

            There has been a calendar revision for February.  Since our “sister” schools in the Diocese, including St. Bernard, are closing for the full week of February 15th through the 19th, we will do the same and take the FULL WEEK for WINTER BREAK 

            If you are traveling out of state for any reason, the school will need to know where you are going and your mode of travel to determine (based on health department regulations and school policy), whether or not your child will need to quarantine and be tested prior to returning to school. This Holiday Travel Memo was sent home this past week.  We remind you that if you are traveling for the upcoming holidays it is imperative the School is made aware.  This is for everyone’s safety. If you are traveling out of state for the holidays, it is required by the School that your children quarantine for 14 days and receive a negative COVID test before returning to school.  While your children are out of school for this purpose, work and books will be prepared for you to pick up at the school.  We will not provide remote learning for this purpose. Your patience and your respect of these policies is for the protection of everyone involved. We assume that for the safety of your families and all in school that you are following healthy practices as well. 

            Our annual Christmas Wreath Sale is underway.  Also, once again this year 100 Annual St. Joseph Christmas ornaments are being woodcut for us and donated by Colin and Ashley Higgins. These will be for sale as they were last year.  Please look for the flyer.  The new ornament features a Nativity with the year and school name. When everyone does a little, we all gain much! Thank you so much for your support.

            May Jesus, Mary our Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph watch over us and protect us. Speaking of the Holy Family, we are continuing to seek and appropriate way to celebrate the Christmas season here at school.  This will include Santa’s Workshop To Go and some form of our Christmas program.

            I continue to hold you in my prayers, and ask that you keep all of us in yours.


                                                                                                Marianne Cote



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